A Studio of my own

I have always had a creative space in our guest room for drawing and craft work but once I began painting I felt I needed a better space where making a mess wouldn’t matter so much. I began looking on line at log cabins, found the perfect one. So the question is now, where could it go? The place in the garden which would have been ideal was vetoed by our neighbours so my dream of a studio fell! I trotted back to my space in the guest room at the top of the house…why don’t we make this into a studio? We now have two other spare rooms as the children have left home. The bed was taken down, and donated to a local charity. Paint went on the walls. My design skills were set in motion to create a mobile workstation with items from the trusty Ikea. So now I have a research area with all my reference books, computer space, a storage space for canvas and paper, and a proper area to paint.


Exciting Times


The Covid Era